launches GECO project … Bali needs our help!

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If you have been to Bali, you would probably know what a stunning island it is. Also known as paradise island to some, it has always been well known for its picturesque scenery, delicious food and warm-hearted locals that would offer assistance to you anytime. If you have never been to Bali, I am sure a picture speak a thousand words..


However, sorry to burst your bubble, this gorgeous beach that you’re looking at now, just like the other beaches in Bali, may be destroyed by the presence of rubbish soon.

In 2015, Indonesia is the fifth fastest growing economy in 2015. The amazing progress of the economic growth and rise in population number has increased the growth consumption (and waste) which also resulted in the lack of development of public services, leading to the common sight of rubbish littered all around the streets and waterways.
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Around 10 000 cubic meters of garbage (12 percent of plastic waste, 17 percent of inorganic waste and 71 percent of organic waste) is produced every day in Bali. The horrifying part is due to the lack of public services, 50 percent of this mountain of waste is left neglected and being thrown onto the roads, in open dumps and rivers that eventually lead them into the ocean! At this rate.. one day we might be surfing in a sea filled with plastic bags…. left over food…. dead fish…. plastic bottles and more. Waste mismanagement is a serious issue that can potentially result in health issues due to the ecological damage such as soil and water contamination. Adding on with the fact that plastic takes 500 years to decompose which is a timespan of 6 generations…. Definitely make this situation worse.

So, why should you be concerned? According to a general study, while a local produces around 0.5 kg of garbage per day, a tourist produces around 2 to 5 kg of garbage daily.  If all travellers play a part in reducing rubbish, we can create noticeable impact to the waste issues in Bali.

Being in the tourism industry – which is strongly dependent on Bali’s natural assets such as the amazing beaches, rice fields and more –, the leader of villa rentals industry in Bali, has decided to step forward and make a change to give back to this beautiful island that has brought our clients endless of unforgettable memories. By launching the GECO project which consists of implementing small actions that can be easily integrated in villas, hopes to raise awareness and create a ripple effect of more people being involved in Bali environmental issues.

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Under GECO project, villas are required to set up a waste management system and send their staff for training to learn about proper waste sorting. Villas staff will also be provided reusable bags from us so as to replace the use of plastic bags. In addition to these, has created an eco-friendly checklist for any interested villa owners to follow and collated the green companies in Bali to form a green directory so as to provid clear direction and guidance to any villa owners, residents and businessess that may be keen in going green.

It is a small step but every step counts and we hope that you will join and walk with us on this journey.

Explore Canada

Every year, more than 35 million people visit Canada to enjoy the many opportunities our country has to offer, including visiting family and friends.

Canada is the 2nd largest country and the world and stretches from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west and to the Arctic Ocean in the north. Within this vast country full of natural wonder there are countless opportunities for the eco-traveller to experience ecotourism at its finest. Canada is most famous for its mountains, in particular the Rocky Mountain range. Another fantastic ecotourism choice is the Bruce Trail system that spans the Niagara Escarpment in the province of Ontario. While in this area do not miss the opportunity to visit Point Pelee Provincial Park. This is the southernmost tip of Canada and is home to a variety of flora and fauna not to be found anywhere else in Canada. As you travel west across Canada searching for ecotourism experiences, the province of Alberta will not disappoint. Alberta offers a variety of Aboriginal experiences and attractions, celebrating the recorded history of its first inhabitants more than 12,000 years ago. From celebrated provincial historic sites to little-known historic spots, there are a variety of opportunities for eco-travelers to explore Alberta’s history and cultural roots.

More details on visa here :

Beach House Maldives- Restoring the Coral Reefs of the Maldives

June 2011- In keeping with the old adage ‘leave nothing but footprints, take nothing but photos’ Beach House Maldives, a Waldorf Astoria Resort offers its guests a perfect memento of their stay: a patch of coral reef to call their very own.

For $150, the luxury resor’s coral reef regeneration project allows guests to select and “plant” a small area of coral reef in the Indian Ocean where it will grow and thrive. Particularly popular with newlyweds and honeymooners at the resort, the creation of a path of reef only takes about an hour, although the benefits will last a lifetime.

“Coral reefs are one of the most spectacular and fragile environments on this planet”, says General Manager Frederic Lebegue. “Coral that takes decades to grow can be destroyed so easily which is why we support this project to transplant and re-grow the coral at Beach House Maldives, a Waldorf Astoria Resort.”

The coral reef regeneration project is spearheaded by Seamarc, a Maldives-based marine consultancy who has developed a successful coral propagation technique that shows remarkable growth. The resort’s resident marine biologist harvest living but damaged or threatened corals from the surrounding waters. These are then attached by guests to a lightweight pyramidal substrate frame structure and transplanted in the resort’s lagoon thereby replenishing old habitats and creating new areas of a reef. Guests can follow the progress of their reef by logging into a dedicated website where they watch it as it grows throughout the years.

As well as being one of the world’s best holiday souvenirs, planting a coral reef makes a significant social and environmental impact on the country. “The Maldives depend on tourism and fishing which are the two largest contributors to the economy, both of these industries rely on the continued existence of healthy, vibrant reefs that are as appealing to tourists as they are to the fish that live in them. It is also important to remember that a coral reef surrounding an island protects it from wave action and erosion,” says Lebegue.

Beach House Maldives, a Waldorf Astoria Resort, is located on the pristine, lagoon-ringed Haa Alifu Atoll and is fringed by powder-white beaches and complemented with an unspoilt jungle-filled interior. The 35-acre resort compromises 83 Maldivian-style villas, three restaurants, three bars, and a luxurious spa. Each villa comes complete with a private pool and butler.

Towards green accommodations in Singapore? The Siloso Beach Resort leads the way.

The Siloso Beach Resort, located within the island of Sentosa, in Singapore, is the example to follow regarding ecological accommodations hotels shall focus on providing.
Proving that going for green does not reduce the comfort customers are entitled to expect, this hotel has been logically rewarded with the most prestigious awards concerning ecological travels (Singapore Environmental Achievement Award,TUV Certification, Singapore Environment Council Award, Singapore Compact Award, Singapore Sustainability Award).
Their motto? Building with Nature. Looking at what they now propose to their customers, thinking differently would appear a clear waste of efficiency: pool filled with natural spring waters, room nested from the natural landscape, educational communication toward both their staff and their customers.
Check out for more directly at
and understands how Green hotels and Singapore are meant to work together for the benefits of the whole travelling community.

Green Energy: The Resources That Power Sustainable Hotels

Green energy is an overarching term used to describe power
that comes from natural, renewable resources. By utilizing resources that are
readily available and easy to replenish, we can cut our dependence on fossil
fuels and reduce our carbon footprints. Many hotels have switched to using
these renewable sources of energy, making them a great option for sustainable
Unlike energy created from coal and oil, green energy emits
far less pollution and therefore has a smaller impact on the environment. In
the past few decades, green energy production has significantly increased as we
find new ways to harness the resources that are abundantly available to us. Read
on to discover the different types of green energy in use today.

Solar Power

Harnessing the energy from the sun started out as a way to
power satellites and telescopes. Now, solar energy is used to power homes,
buildings and many devices such as calculators. Unlike conventional fossil
fuels, producing solar power emits no harmful emissions. With the sun as a
power source, solar energy is an infinitely renewable resource that can be used
anywhere the sun shines.
Solar energy is created through the capture of the sun’s
energy or heat through a series of mirrored panels. These panels, often
referred to as solar panels, are quiet and easy to operate, making them a great
energy alternative to powering your home or business. Plus, investing in solar
panels is a good way to cut down on energy costs and minimize your carbon


Hydropower is generated through the energy of moving water. Most
hydroelectric power plants use dams, forcing water into a turbine. The running
water then spins the turbine, generating electricity. To date, hydropower is the
largest renewable energy source in the United States, representing 6 percent of
our electric supply. In fact, thousands of streams and rivers have been dammed
to produce this hydroelectricity.
Something to consider with hydropower is the environmental impact
it has on wildlife. Building dams can be harmful to aquatic ecosystems,
affecting the lives of fish and other wildlife that depend on the water source.
However, dam building has slowed greatly over the past few decades as the best
sites for generating hydropower are already in use.

Wind Energy

We all know that wind can be a powerful force, so it makes
sense that harnessing its energy would be a great alternative to power plant-generated
energy. Wind energy is gathered through a wind turbine, which basically looks
like a giant fan. As wind hits the turbine, it rotates the blades, transferring
energy to the turbine’s generator.  The
generator then converts the energy into electricity and delivers it to a power
Unlike the use of fossil fuels, harnessing wind energy does
not produce pollution and is an abundant option for energy. While most energy
is produced in wind farms, smaller versions of wind turbines are also available
to power your home. If your city permits it, consider placing a turbine in your
yard to cut or eliminate your electricity bill and reduce your environmental

Geothermal Power

Oil is not the only thing under the earth’s surface that is
capable of powering the planet. Steam and hot water located below the surface
can be captured to generate geothermal energy.
When magma gets close to the surface, it heats underground water
sources, creating a high energy content. By drilling into these pockets of
water, the energy can be harvested and converted into electricity.
So far, geothermal energy has been a relatively unexplored
energy alternative. Unfortunately, geothermal development could have some
serious environmental issues. For instance, drilling wells deep enough to
harness this energy may increase seismic activity. There is also the worry that
drilling could contaminate groundwater, making it harmful to drink.


Biogas is generated through decomposing bacteria in animal
manure. While it may seem like a disgusting idea, using animal waste for energy
reduces water contamination and harmful emissions caused by manure. Biogas is
largely used on the farms where it’s created. Farmers use the converted energy
to power their farms and heat their water. They also use the leftover manure as
fertilizer for their crops.

Uses of Solar Energy in Daily Life


 We’ve all heard of solar energy – energy from the sun that can be harnessed for all kinds of different reasons. For example during the summer when you are growing tomatoes in your greenhouse, you are harnessing solar energy to accelerate the growing process. You don’t need solar panels to use this energy, since the glass the greenhouse is made from heats up the space inside as a direct result of the sun beating down on it. But the process is much the same.
Solar energy for heating
When we think of solar energy we tend to think primarily of using it to heat our homes. One of the most common questions people ask is ‘how much are solar panels’ so they can work out how long it will take to earn back the investment made in solar panels for their homes. The panels take the heat from the sun by using photovoltaic cells and convert it into usable heat for the home.
Solar energy can also be used to heat water to use in various ways inside the home. This requires a different type of installation but it is worth doing if you want to make the most of solar energy in your home in as many ways as you can.
Using solar energy to grow food
With the cost of many types of food skyrocketing in recent times, more and more people are going beyond growing tomatoes as mentioned above. They are growing their own fruit and vegetables at home, providing better taste and cheaper crops than they would buy in the supermarkets. If managed properly, this process can make the most of solar energy to grow good crops with good yields all year round – even during the cooler winter months.
Benefiting from sunlight
Of course we don’t need solar panels or green fingers to benefit from sunlight in a much more crucial way. While we need to protect ourselves from getting too much sunlight, we do need to make sure we get some sunlight. It helps to lift mood and also generate the vitamin D our bodies need to help boost our immune system.
So you can see that solar energy is very powerful and can be used in lots of ways in day to day life. How many ways are you using it – and what else could you do to make the most of it?
Image Courtesy:,
Article provided by Lenka from

4 Ways You Can Enjoy Sustainable Travel

Planning a trip that qualifies as sustainable travel takes a bit of planning. If you spend a little time determining where and how you will travel, you can help considerably in reducing the impact that your visit will have on your destination. Following are a few tips that will help you to plan sustainable travel that gives you peace of mind and helps you to thoroughly enjoy your trip.
1.     Buy locally – This is a major plus when visiting foreign countries and tourist locations. Buying from local vendors helps to stimulate the economy in the region you visit. Instead of buying from large, corporate owned stores, consider purchasing from smaller stores that are locally owned and operated. The prices may be a bit higher than national stores but you have the satisfaction of helping to sustain the area that you are visiting.
2.     Do a bit of research – Before you visit, take the time to research the area and find out what issues you may need to be aware of. In some areas, children sell t-shirts and other items on the street. While it may seem like you are helping out families by purchasing from these children, the truth is that in some countries the children are forced to work by larger companies. Child labor laws are different in every country so take the time to look into issues in the area that you plan to visit before you arrive.
3.     Take along a guide when you sightsee – Local guides provide tours to earn money. If you are interested in visiting some sights, hire a local guide. This will help the economy and will help you to be certain to see the best of the region where you are traveling. Local guides will know all of the best places to eat, sleep and enjoy other activities. They may even be able to show you some sights that are not listed anywhere else you may look.
4.     Leave the car at the hotel – If you are hiring a car, consider leaving the car at least one full day while you are there and walk or take local transportation to where you want to go. By not driving for one full day you are significantly lowering carbon emissions and helping to protect the environment. You can also consider choosing lower impact activities for a day. Think about your impact on the activities that you do consider. For instance it may be perfectly fun and exciting to take a camel ride but if the camels used are being mistreated in any way, this should not be something that you support. Spend time researching and planning your trip to ensure that you choose sustainable activities at least part of the time that you are traveling.
Sustainable travel is not difficult nor does it mean that you cannot enjoy yourself when you travel. You simply have to take a bit of time to plan activities beforehand and ensure that you are not leaving a negative impact on the area that you are visiting.
This article was written by Enerfina, an independent market intermediary in the renewable energy sector. For more information on heat pumps and ways that you can make a positive impact, visit our website today.

What to Wear on a Walking Holiday

Walking holidays can be great for the whole
family. However, one thing that most of us will struggle with is choosing the
right clothes to wear. The problem that most of us face is finding the right
balance between practicality and fashion. However, there are solutions
available if you look in the right places! Here are a few ideas to keep in mind
if you are struggling with what to wear on a walking holiday.
If you are going to be going on a walking
holiday, then you are going to need to make sure that you take suitable
. Walking long distances can prove to be a very painful experience if
you don’t have the right footwear. Because of this, walking boots are your best
option. However, there are options available if you want to make sure that you
remain fashionable. Meindl Women’s Burma GTX Boots and Scarpa Women’s Ranger II
Active GTX Walking Boots are both very popular options at the moment.
When going on a walking holiday, a warm
jacket is a must, especially if you know that it is going to be cold. The other
thing to remember is that the weather can be very unpredictable, so you will
need to make sure that you are prepared for every eventuality. If you are
looking for jackets that will allow you to look great then take a look at The
North Face Women’s Resolve Jacket or 66 North Women’s Snaefell Jacket, both of
which are very popular.
When walking, no matter what the weather,
it is important to protect your eyes. The great thing about this is that you
can add accessories to your outfit. There are so many different styles of
sunglasses available, so you can choose a pair that match your outfit. Blacks
Women’s Full Frame Metal Polarised Sunglasses and Blacks Women’s Groove Aviator
Sunglasses are both great options for the fashion conscious.
Although walking holidays can be great for
the whole family, choosing what to wear can make things more stressful than
they need to be. However, there are many options available for those who wish
to remain fashionable whilst wearing practical clothing for walking holidays.

Top 5 Eco-friendly Hotels in London

 Image By: strollerdos
Christmas is just around the corner. The
phenomenon happens year after year—summer has just ended and the winter’s here
in no time. The holidays are approaching which has got the air buzzing with
anticipation and excitement. Friends and family are starting to plan their
Christmas parties and meet-ups. Most people would agree when I say it’s nice to
get away from our daily lives when holiday time comes around. Travelling with
your loved ones is a good way for some change. Eco-travel will always make you
feel better. You’ll find a range of eco-friendly
London hotels
if you’re in the English capital for a holiday. Here are my
top 5 green hotels in London.
The Rafayel hotel is a unique one with one
vision: preservation of the Earth. With Philips LED lighting helping save 80%
energy, they’re certainly on the right track. The hotel’s energy system is
completely based around conservation. The heating uses already-generated heat
which is transferred to other areas in the building. The hotel has an
eco-friendly dry cleaning arrangement and uses rainwater for irrigation.
Rafayel is actually a luxury hotel including brunch recipes, a dry spa, a
conference venue, and a bar & restaurant.
Hotel London
The Andaz on Liverpool Street is a 5-star hotel
that has gained its reputation for being one of the more stylish hotels in East
London. Whether you’re there for leisure or business, it’s bound to be a
perfect fit—the Tower of London, Tate Modern, Tower Bridge, and St. Paul’s
Cathedral are just around the corner. What else do you want on a holiday than
walking to London’s best attractions? And do it guilt-free as the hotel
incorporates bathrooms which use 80% less water. The boiler also uses 25% less
fuel and is computer-controlled for maximum efficiency. The Andaz usually hosts
business guests, so they have installed eco-friendly printers throughout the
rooms. The lighting is also built around a system that uses less energy.
City Hotel London
If you’re going for something more
contemporary, the Apex City Hotel on Seething Lane is a 4-star green heaven.
The hotel has an award-winning dining experience and 179 suits and rooms
situated throughout. The hotel’s staff has been trained to constantly monitor
the gas, electricity, and water. The motion-sensor controlled LED lights
consume less energy—but that isn’t the best part. Their bathrooms are as
eco-friendly as it gets. The towels have a re-use policy to save water on
washing. The toilets are dual flushed which helps save water and the soaps and
detergents are all eco-friendly. Oh, and don’t worry too much about their
eco-friendly lifts—they work just as well as normal ones!
Plaza Hotel St James
Perhaps you’re going for something more
traditional? Try the Crowne Plaza Hotel St James for comfortable accommodation,
excellent service, meeting facilities and high speed internet. The hotel is
ideal for both business and leisure guests. This one’s also perfectly
positioned, near the Houses of Parliament, Victoria Station, the London Eye,
and Buckingham Palace. The hotel has adopted strict environmental regulations over
the past years. This has resulted in a 40% decrease in their carbon footprint.
This may largely be due to the staff being fined for leaving the lights on!
As always, we save the best for last. The
Savoy has been an iconic English brilliance since it’s opening in 1889. It was
only recently, though, that the hotel started implementing green practice
throughout. The last 6 years have seen a 3,000 tonne decrease in CO2 emissions
as a result of their hard work. Their energy consumption has decreased by a
remarkable 40%, and recycles 90% of all waste.
The Savoy donates linens, furniture, and
food to local shelters and food banks. All supplies, furniture, and equipment
are purchased from eco-friendly sources. The hotel has also done a good job in
using hybrids to cut carbon emissions. The Savoy has become an inspiration to
all London hotels, hopefully getting them to take a step in the right
Sohaib is a travel addict who craves
adventure at every corner. He is also a keen promoter of green technologies.
When he isn’t backpacking around Europe, you’ll find him writing for HotelClub, a website for booking hotels and

Travel in Bali : Go Green or Not Go Green

Bali is one of the most popular destinations in south-east Asia, certainly the second after the tourist hub of Thailand, Phuket.

Bali has developed into a kind of Saint-Tropez of Asia, mixing nice beaches, great restaurants, cafes, nightlife and amazing villas for rent. Everywhere the prices have gone up , especially in the hip districts of Seminyak, Canggu or Umalas… Villas in Umalas, Villas in Seminyak, Villas in Canggu are the most exquisite villas in the world, but aren’t always famous for their green credentials ….

So, Bali … can you still be green ??? Yes, Bali Can ! There are numerous Green destinations in Bali, further North, East and West of the island. See the map below where you can see that the South of Bali only occupies about 5% of the territory …

One of the most famous green travel options in Bali the West Bali National Park, located far North West. You can reach this National Park by roads from Gilimanuk and Singaraja, or by using ferries from Ketapang, Java. The park covers around 190 square kilometres , 5% of Bali’s total land area. And it includes a 1,000-metre long beach, reef and islets.

More green travel info in bali at